Veronika Borisova (Instagram)

LFA 186’s Veronika Borisova: ‘I Never Shift Responsibility’

Legacy Fighting Alliance returns to Denver, Colo. on Friday, Jun. 22. Russian Veronika Borisova will fight against Neira Reppa from Bosnia and Herzegovina at LFA 186, live from the Magness Arena. Vladimir Gornostaev spoke with Veronica on the eve of her debut performance in the United States.

Now you live in Nebraska. What visa did you manage to come in on, and were there any difficulties?

I have been living here for almost four months. I came here for work. The process took six months. I waited four months for the petition to be approved, and it took another month and a half to schedule an interview in Kazakhstan.


Which gym are you training in at Nebraska?

I’m training in the Skywalker room now. When I arrived in Omaha, I visited two halls. I liked Skywalker better.

Who is managing you now?

I had a manager we worked with for three years. We even met him [here], and he is American. But it so happened that we ended the relationship. Now, formally, I don’t have a manager. The coach from the club found me this guy from LFA, and he has quite a lot of connections. But I already have options on who to sign the contract with next. Now they are going up.

Your first fight will take place in the LFA on Jun. 22. Azamat Bekoev will perform on the same card with you. How does it feel to have another athlete from Russia enter the ring?

Yes, I saw that there will be an athlete from Russia on the main card. I don’t know Azamat, judging by Instagram, he is training in Miami. It’s cool that there will be someone from Russia. I feel supported. But I already have a lot of friends in America, so I won’t be alone.

Will any of your friends fly to Denver to support you?

Yes, I will have a whole team. 11 people have already wanted to come, maybe there will even be more. Half of them are Russian – some are even from Vladimir, half of them are Americans – I’ve already managed to [get to know them].

How strong is your contract with LFA?

I have a contract for one fight. Because, I just need this kind of fight to prove myself here. And then, I hope, they will sign me either to either the Contender Series or to the UFC. There were talks that I could be in Contender Series a year ago, but I missed my chance. Now everyone is helping me that I am worthy of. That’s why my goal is to be in the UFC.

How do you assess your opponent in the upcoming fight?

I believe this is what I need now. Her record is about the same as mine. We promise beginners. She is more of a wrestler, and her striking is so-so. She goes into the clinch more, and she likes to work with her knees.

Have you watched the video of her fight?

Of course. When you give me a rival, the first thing is to watch her fights. I always watch them myself. I never shift responsibility to the coach, so that he can then tell me what to do. So I know what awaits me, who she is and what she does. I’ve been ready for a long time. I can go out now.

Veronika Borisova is a 22-year-old athlete from Russia, professional record 5-0-0. She became the first woman from Vladimir to win the NAIZA world championship in 2023.
